Nora Seed finds herself faced with this decision. Faced with the possibility of changing her life for a new one, following a different career, undoing old breakups, realizing her dreams of becoming a glaciologist; she must search within herself as she travels through the Midnight Library to decide what is truly fulfilling in life, and what makes it worth living in the first place. READ REVIEW
Her adventures into the multiverse exploring what would happened if she reversed the regrets in her life was a fun escape. I think we all play that mind game in our lives. If I did/didn't do X what would my life be like now? Sliding Glass moments, if you will.
The ending was endearing but the book left me unfulfilled. The whole thing felt done before. I was unimpressed by the generic self help messages that were peppered throughout. It was a good read but not a ride I would take again.
A Court of Thorns and Roses - This book hooked me! I'm a fan of romance and the way the book wove that into fantasy quenched my thirst. It was the perfect escape.
A Court of Mist and Fury - My favorite book of the series. The story took a turn in a direction that I didn't see coming. Speaking of coming, the sexual tension was fire.
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Lots of war. Stressful at times but the romance parts took the edge off.
A Court of Frost and Starlight - This book is the shortest and packs a punch for the development of the sister's relationship. I can't wait to read the next book.
A Court of Silver Flames - My second favorite book of the series. The sisters are terrible characters but provide a great contrast for the rest of the cast. I was disappointed on how Rhy's character shifted but it's whatever. Cassian's charcter development made up for it. Looking forward to a book about Azriel.