School Pencil


Hi there. I'm Alyce. Welcome to my website.

While I was stuck at home during the pandemic I deleted all of my social media accounts and got very lonely.

To have an outlet to interact with the outside world I revived my deadjournal. I was surprised to find a community there. I knew a little html from myspace/livejournal days so I experimented with journal layouts.

It was during an html deep dive that I found neocities and was sucked into the personal webpage movement. How cool it is to have a personalized space online?! So much better than the cookie cutter formats you're forced to use on social media platforms.

My goal for this website is to figure out what having an online presence looks like without social media. I'm not good at coding but I'm learning.

All this is to say, I don't know what I'm doing, but I'm trying my best. I am humbled by your presence here.

Thank you for stopping by! Sign my guestbook on your way out.

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